Capritana Insula, Slovenia

The emergence of a town settlement on the former Koper Island coincides both with the decline of Roman urban centres in Slovenia's mainland and a stronger Byzantine presence in Istria and in the northern Adriatic in the course of the 6th and 7th centuries. This is evidenced by the scarce written records in which Koper is first mentioned (Capris, Capritana Insula) along with archaeological research which reveals the significantly increased habitation of the island at that time. In the first stage, this is mainly documented by the remains of simple buildings made of modest materials, which might be conclusive of a rush in construction activities and, accordingly, might point to the settlement’s refugial character. It was only during later phases that stone construction appeared to a certain extent and later prevailed. The characteristics of the island’s Late Antique and Early Medieval habitation also involve inhumation burials, predominantly children’s, inside the settlement.

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