AIC Forum

The Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce is an Association with legal personality set up in 2001, that joins the Chambers of Commerce from the coastal areas of the Adriatic and Ionian basin.
The Associations' purpose is to promote the economic development of the Adriatic and Ionian area, to strengthen the relationships among the Chambers of Commerce of transborder Countries, to encourage the juridical and administrative cooperation harmonising the procedures among the Countries, to spread business and entrepreneurial culture through the involvement of all the actors within the territory.

Contact details:

Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce
c/o Ancona Chamber of Commerce
piazza XXIV maggio, 1 - 60124 Ancona (Italy)
tel: 0039 071 5898 249/266
fax: 0039 071 5898 255